

Any Supplier Complaints raised by an outlet user will be displayed in this section of Purchasing.

As displayed by the below example, details on each complaint will be shown. Complaint ID number, Date of Complain, Outlet, Supplier, Complaint Type, Investigation Date, Action Taken Date and Status will all be displayed.


How Do I Raise A Supplier Complaint?

A supplier complaint is raised directly via the outlet. Please use the following user guide to find instructions on how to raise a complaint: Raising a Supplier Complaint - IndiCater User Guides - Help (atlassian.net)

How Do I Update A Complaint?

To update the status of the complaint, simply select the date in question found in the second column. When you have selected the date and complaint in question, you will be brought to the Update Complaint Status page.

This page is split into three main sections; Complaint, Head Office Update and Documentation.

The first half of the page will document the Complaint and it’s details. An example can be seen below which is from Complaint ID 23.


After reviewing the details of the Complaint, scroll down to complete a Head Office update.

To complete the update, fill in each desired field with the required information. Date of investigation, Action taken by the supplier in question and it’s current status are all to be completed.

When complete, select ‘Update Status’ to update the complaint. Alongside this, you can select ‘Email Supplier’ to contact the supplier directly and inform them of any action taken or if the situation has been resolved.

When you have updated the record via the head office, scroll to the bottom of the page to add any necessary documentation.

Using the Upload Document option, this allows you to add any necessary reports or content surrounding the complaint. Once you have selected ‘Upload’, you can view the documents in the table found below.

Once you have updated the claim and uploaded any necessary documents, please select ‘Archive Complaint’ to close the query.

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