What will I get from using IndiCater?

What will I get from using IndiCater?

If your chefs are using IndiCater to manage recipes, stocktaking and/or ordering, you will benefit from a host of reports and efficiencies. Below are some of the key benefits.


Purchasing data

  • By ordering and booking off (goods receipting) you will be able to see purchasing data from the moment an order has booked off. Purchasing data will be made up of a combination of estimates (accruals) and invoices and credit notes. The reports will give you summary and detailed data

Example purchasing report


  • You can run an Outstanding Estimates report at any time to see the value of outstanding accruals - invoices and credit notes. You can also see all outstanding orders, ie those awaiting receipt

Outstanding orders and estimates report


  • We can develop a data export in your required format to help you quickly and easily import the invoice and credit note data from within IndiCater into your accounting application - no manual data entry required


  • We integrate with around 20 suppliers currently which means they will send us your invoices electronically. The invoices will match to the PO they relate to and if they match within a set tolerance (set per supplier), they will automatically convert the outstanding estimate into the invoice ready for export. If they differ by a great amount, they will require manual approval. This encourages Chef to book off the order accurately to ensure invoices match the estimates where possible.


  • For those suppliers who are unable to integrate, we provide EDI Lite to let them enter your invoices into our system on your behalf, saving you the data entry task.


  • You can run a product history report to see quantities bought and prices paid over your chosen period.


  • You have visibility of the products in your approved buying lists in one place and can compare products and prices across suppliers.


  • Invoices are coded to the relevant nominals by creating order sheets linked to nominal codes. An order placed from an order sheet coded to Food will ensure the estimate, invoice and any credit notes are automatically coded to Food.


Other finance reporting

  • You can run finance reports for all transactions types being recorded, eg cashless sales, free issues, banking etc


  • You can run a trading report for a week or reporting period and drill down into the transactional level detail. This can be moved at head office or outlet level to manage GP


Stock data

  • You can run a report to see stock values across the estate. There are multiple options so you can see summaries as well as the detail.


  • You can capture the movement of stock from one outlet to another to help provide accurate cost of goods data as well as between nominals in the same outlet.


  • Outlets can record item and dish wastage and there are different reporting options to see the data.


  • If we integrate with your epos provider, you can run stock theoretical and variance reports to drill down into your margin


Recipes and menus

  • Allergen and nutrition reports can be run for a dish, a group of dishes or a menu. This will use the data provided from your suppliers and from the FSA (for nutrition where your supplier hasn’t provided info).

  • Outlet users can enter production numbers into a menu. This gives them the ability to add the required items to a purchase order and also generates a cost report.


This is a list of some of the most popular reports but there are more in addition to these. Data exports can be developed for many different transaction types.

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