Version update being deployed on Monday

Version update being deployed on Monday



We are excited share news of what is being deployed to all clients on Monday.

Please note, there is no downtime required

Outlet Finance

We have added payment information to the deposit invoice generated in Credit Sales to show what has been paid and what is outstanding. Simply click on the printer icon to see this. 

Recipe Manager

We have added a new option in the Show Exceptions area when searching for dishes. You can now search specifically for dishes containing at least one delisted item. 

StORM permissions

Following feedback from some of our clients, we have amended the outlet permission for StORM Set Up to link to the ability for a user to add items to a stock location during both the ordering and stocktaking processes. If a user doesn't have the Set Up permission they can't create and manage their own stock locations and they can no longer add items to a stock location when ordering or stocktaking.

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