Request to raise support tickets

Request to raise support tickets

As part of a wider project, we have been reviewing the IndiCater support desk and how we can work through your queries more efficiently.

One of the main challenges we have is answering queries that come in via different mediums as this makes it much more difficult to prioritise and sort queries and to look back through the history of a query.

As a result of this review, we have made the decision to focus on answering your queries via support tickets and therefore we will cease dealing with queries that are emailed to us at support@indicater.com. This will enable us to manage all queries in one system providing greater visibility to the wider team, a clear status and history of each ticket and a better audit trail for you as the client.

We would appreciate your support in helping us ensure queries are dealt with through support tickets and we thank those of you that already use the tickets. We will be adding an automated response to the support email inbox this week to advise that as of 13th December we will no longer be responding to the support emails.

We plan to implement this rule from Monday 13th December. 


In the unlikely event that the system cannot be accessed to raise a ticket, we would ask you to please call us on 0333 2400 470.


Who to contact - a reminder

Support tickets should be raised for all day-to-day queries including how to use the application, issues you are experiencing, questions around data and help regarding suppliers.

Please contact your account manager to discuss any changes in how you want to use the application, for example, the activation of additional features or modules, requests for development, advice on how to manage a process through the application and for any contract queries. 


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