Creating Recipe categories


This is a guide that explains the process, of how to create Recipe Categories


You have the correct permissions for Recipe Manager.

Where to find this

Head Office > Recipe Manager

Step-by-Step guide

Navigate to Recipe Manager > Categories. A list of categories are displayed.

To add a new category, enter a description, then press ADD.

To Add Sub Categories of a Category, click on the '3 lined box' on the right hand side of the description.

Key in the description for the Sub Category, and press ADD - continue until all are completed.

To Amend a Category Description - click on the Category Name.

Enter the new description in the box. Press UPDATE when complete.

The New Description is now displayed in alphabetical order.

To Delete a Category or Sub Category - click on the box with the X, and select OK at the Pop up

Note: if you delete a Category with Sub Categories below, these will also be deleted at the same time

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.