Head Office - Menu Hub

Head Office - Menu Hub

What is the Menu Hub?

This landing page displays all of the menus you have access to alongside four main tools. These are the Manage Menu Categories, Menu Template Designer, Create A Menu and the Menu Library.

Your view of the page will differ depending on your user role and permissions. The first half of this Help page will focus on the tools everyone can see, scroll further down to see information on the tools specific to those creating the Menu pages.

An example of the Menu Hub landing page can be viewed below:



Manage Menu Categories

In this section you can create the categories you want listed in your menus. You can have as many as you like and when you create a menu you pick the ones you want use, they won’t all appear.

Name your category and give it a description if you wish. Use the Order numbering to set the order you wish the categories to appear in within your menus, starting with 1. Select the Type that most fits and save.

To edit a category simply click on it and amend and save.


Menu Template Designer

Menu Templates are used for displaying menus in a given layout. For example, you could create a standard menu template, and then a special Sunday lunch template with a different design. Any menu can be loaded into any template. The template is used to manage the colours, fonts, sizing and general look and feel of the menu.

You can manage existing Menu Templates or create new templates as required. Your landing page will look similar to the image below:


To edit an existing template, use the Design section to make any necessary changes to layout, headers & footers and menu items.

To create a new menu template, select the ‘+' button found alongside your existing menu templates. Simply enter your template name and a new blank template will be created. Make the necessary changes using our design tool and select save upon completion to record the changes.

Create a Menu

To create a new menu, simply click on the tool in the Menu Hub homepage. Input a menu name, description, reference and state whether this will be a single standalone menu or part of a menu plan.

Once you have created your menu, you will be redirected to our menu page as shown below.


To add a new item to the menu, simply select the ‘+ Add a category to get started.’ button. In this instance, we have selected the ‘Main Dish’ menu category. A common example may be Starters, Mains or Desserts.

Once you have selected your category, the system will update and display this within the page shown above. To add a menu item, simply select into the category and similar to the step above for adding a category, use the green button and click ‘+ Add Menu Item’.

A pop-up window will appear which will allow you to search for the dish you would like to add to your menu. Using the search function, you can search via name, reference, category or tags. In the example below, we have simply searched for ‘Burger’.


Information such as reference numbers, product categories, pricing, allergen and nutritional information are displayed. To add the desired product to your menu, click ‘Add’. When you have completed this, click ‘Done’ to complete.


Once you have added the dish to your menu, it will be displayed within its assigned Menu Category. You can use the icons found on the right-side of the dish to view further information or a recipe card. If you need to remove the dish from the menu, select the red trash icon.

Menu Library

Here you will see a list of the menus you have access to


Use this search bar to look for a menu by typing in the name or reference of a menu. You can search via outlet or brand name if required. Click on the magnifying glass icon to run the search.

The results

Click on the column headers to sort the results to help you find what you are looking for. As with many other IndiCater pages you can change the number of results on the page and by using the Show 10 Entries tool and you can scroll through the pages at the bottom.

From here, you can click on the buttons on the right to print a menu, create a cook book and run the allergen and nutrition reports for the menu. If you have edit rights you can also click to copy a menu and archive a menu.



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