Set Alternate Outlet/Brand Pricing for Dishes


You are able to set individual prices for the same recipe at each outlet.  If you do not set prices for each individual unit, the price in the original recipe set up will be used


That you are using Head Office Recipe Manager Version 

Where to find this

Recipe Manager > Dishes 

Step by step guide

Navigate to the Dishes section under Recipe Manager, then key in the dish description:

Select the required dish from the listing - click on the Dish Locations icon to the right of page:

Tick each location that you want the dish available to:

At the bottom of the page, you can now assign different pricing for each Location of the same product - enter the pricing, then select Update Price:

the summary screen will display the pricing per location, with an option to Update if required - select assign Dish to update to selected Locations:

Once you have selected the Assign Dish, click OK on the pop up notification to confirm:

The Price can be updated per location by clicking the Update Price option, and then updating. To delete the price, simplhy click on the X which will then delete the price and use the dafault price in the Recipe:

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.