Where to view purchasing data

Where to view purchasing data

Trading Report

Located in Finance, Reports, New Reports in both head office and within an outlet

Once in the trading report, click on the word Purchasing to see a total figure by outlet

Click on the outlet name to see the invoices and credit notes for that outlet. This is for purchasing and beverages.

This shows invoices and credit notes that have been entered manually as well as those which have been received via the invoice import or EDI. It also shows estimates which have been converted to invoices or credit notes.

Adjustments made when converting an estimate into an invoice can be seen when clicking on the word Adjustments.

Outstanding estimates are shown in Closing Estimates

Labour, Cleaning and Disposable and Sundry purchases are shown as a total figure per category below the GP line


Purchasing report

This can be run from Finance and Purchasing in Head Office and from Finance in an outlet

It shows all invoices and credits notes as well as estimates and estimate conversions

Local cash purchases are shown

Purchasing categories are not displayed


Purchasing by Department report

This can be run from Finance and Purchasing in Head Office and from Finance in an outlet

This shows invoices and credit notes broken down into their purchasing categories. This means that an invoice can appear more than once if an invoice includes mutliple purchasing categories.

Estimates and estimate conversions are not shown but adjustments made when converting estimates are shown


Multi Supplier Purchasing report

A head office report, found in New Reports on either on the Finance or Purchasing page (depending on set up)

This can be run for just EDI suppliers or for all

This can be run for invoices, credit notes or local cash purchases or for all

The report provides a total figure per supplier for the selected period and a year to date figure

Clicking on the supplier name provides a breakdown of all products purchased during the chosen period

This excludes manually entered invoices as these are not entered in product detail


Outstanding Estimates



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