Add Items to Stock Location
On this page you can find items to add to your stock location
You can also remove items you no longer want.
To Add items
You can either use the Find Products By Filter option and search for a supplier and then search by the supplier's stock category
Or you can use the Find Product Supplier to search by product name or product code
Once you have searched for the items using either of the 2 methods above, simply click on the plus sign to add the item to the stock location. Once you have clicked on the plus, the item will automatically be moved to your stock location and you don't have to do anything else.
To Re-order items
If you wanted to re-order the items in your stock location, for example to put the most commonly used at the top, simply click on the item in the Stock Location section in the bottom right hand corner of the screen and drag it into the position you want.
There is also a 'Sort A-Z' option if that is your preference.
To Remove items
If you want to remove an item from your list, go to the Stock Location part of the page and click on the X on the relevant product.
If you want to remove all discontinued items in one go, click on the Remove All Discontinued Items button and this will remove all items marked as discontinued that you don't have a closing stock of.Â
A discontinued item is an item that was once on your supplier catalogue but that has since been removed. When this happens you will automatically be prevented from trying to order any more but the item will stay in your stock location until removed.Â
Why can't I remove some items?
You won't be able to remove an item if you still have a closing stock quantity of that item. For example, you recorded a stocktake last month and said you had 10 cans of lemonade. The supplier no longer sells that lemonade and so you want to remove it from your list. The system won't let you remove it while it still thinks you have 10 cans in stock. You will be able to remove the cans from the stock location once you have recorded a new stock take and recorded a 0 quantity of cans in stock. Until this is done you won't be able to remove the product.