Head Office Requisitions

Head Office Requisitions

This page enables you to search for orders which have been placed within the outlets and approve orders which are set to go through the approval process.

To search for a PO, search for a PO number or key work sch as the supplier name or outlet name in the search field. Alternatively use the date range to select a period of up to 3 months. You can also amend the number of results you see on the page and scroll through the pages at the bottom.


Orders in this tab are waiting for approval.

Click on the order to see the detail. At the bottom of the page you can select whether you want to approve or decline the order and then confirm. You will only see these options if you are set up as the approver and the order meets the criteria for your level of approval.


These are orders that have been sent to the supplier. Click on the order to see the detail.


This tab will show any orders which required approval but were declined.


Consolidated PO Approvals

Some client choose to set up specific supplier to be consolidated. This means that any orders placed from the different outlets for those suppliers will require approval in this tab where they will be consolidated and sent as one PO. This requires the specific set up and so please contact IndiCater if you are interested in using this tool.

Past Consolidated POs

This tab shows historic consolidated POs.

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