Add Menu Sub Category

On the Add Menu Sub Category page, complete the following fields:

Menu Sub Category Name: add the name of your sub category

Order Advance Days: enter the advance days notice required for this menu

Cut off time: enter the latest time 

Priority: this is order in which the sub category will be listed in it's associated category

Menu Category: choose the category to assign the sub category to

Reporting Kitchen: this is where the cost codes are assigned to for reporting purposes

Start Time: time when the menu is available from (on the days it's available)

End Time: time when the menu is available to (on the days it's available)

Availability: you can specify by ticking the radio button if it's available everyday, Monday to Friday or weekends only.

CRM only

Activation Date: add a start date

Deactivation Date: add an end date

Now define whether the category is available for delivery or collection (or both) to the building or room by placing a tick in the relevant box.  Then click on the Add Menu Sub Catgory button to save.