Our Menus
On this page you can browse the menus available and place your order.
Use the red links down the left hand side to switch between different menus.
When looking at a menu, click on the A&N button to see allergen and nutrition info.
Click Add next to the item/s you want to order, enter a quantity and select a serving time.
Click on Basket at the top of the page to review your order before confirming or click Confirm Order.
You will be able to add notes and dietary requirements on the next page where you submit your final order.
Meal Deals
You might have the option to buy a meal deal. In this instance when you click Add you will be able to select from multiple dishes - you will be advised how many of each category you are able to select.
Why can't I see the Add button?
The options are available to you are based on your room booking details, for example tea and coffee might be available to order with no notice whereas a birthday cake may require 3 days notice and so might not be available for you to order if your room booking is in 2 days.
The menu I was expecting to see isn't there, why not?
The menus are set up by room. What you ordered for one room last time might not be available in the room you are now booking for.
Why can't I see the A&N button?
You can't see this button for meal deals until you click to ADD the meal deal to your order. Then you will see the different dishes available together with the allergen button.
Can I add a note to my order?
Once you have clicked Confirm Order you will go to the next screen which gives you the opportunity to add notes
Can I tell the kitchen about dietary requirements?
Once you have clicked Confirm Order you will go to the next screen which gives you the opportunity to add dietary requirements
Will my order be available for me to finish off later?
Yes, if you click on View Orders you will see a list of Incomplete Orders. The latest will be at the bottom of the list. Click on this to complete it.
Can I place a repeat order?
Yes, if you click on a Complete order in View Orders, you can choose to copy the order