Add Room

Add Room

To set up a room available as a delivery location:

Tick Delivery and give your room a name

Select the Building and enter a description, for example you may wish to add info about the AV equipment, the room layout etc

Add an opening and closing time

Tick if the room is also available to be used at weekends or is available to book through CRM only

Multiple Occupancy - tick this option if you want multiple users to be able to book the room at the same time as each other. This would enable them to each place a catering order for their room booking

Tick the menu options which are available to be ordered for delivery to this room

Click Submit

To set up a room which can be booked but without hospitality:

Tick Delivery and give your room a name

Select the Building and enter a description, we recommend starting by advising that this is a No Hospitality room. Add additional info about AV equipment, the layout etc

Add an opening and closing time

Tick if the room is also available to be used at weekends or is available to book through CRM only

Multiple Occupancy - tick this option if you want multiple users to be able to book the room at the same time as each other. This would enable them to each place a catering order for their room booking

Don't select any menu options

Click Submit

To set up a room as a collection point only:

Tick Collection and give you room a name

Enter a Collection Point name - this is what users will see when placing an order

Select a building and pick an opening and closing time - more specific collection windows can be added later

Tick if the room is also available to be used at weekends or is available to book through CRM only

Tick the menu options which are available to be ordered for collection

Click Submit

To set up a room for both delivery and collection

Tick both the delivery and collection options and complete the info as above

You can tick different menu options for delivery and collection

Click Submit

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