P17-Approving Supplier Catalogues

P17-Approving Supplier Catalogues


This is a guide that explains the processes involved of a Head office User to manage the products uploaded by a supplier via the portal to Indicater.


User has relevant access rights to approve catalogues

Where to find this

Step 1: Head Office > Purchasing > Suppliers

Step 2: Headoffice > Finance > Catalogues

Step-by-Step guide

Step 1

Navigate to the Supplier section under Purchasing: 

Select the supplier and scroll down to the Catalogue Approval Option - Click on the field, and a list of options will be displayed:

If selected, if a product is declined in the catalogue and already exists within indicater the old price will remain rather than product being removed

If selected if the products on a catalogue has already been approved, these products will not be seen unless there are any changes

If existing items are shown, if selected you will not have the option to decline existing products

If selected you will be unable to decline a product because the allergen information as changed

If selected you will be unable to decline a product because the pack size has changed.

Step 2

Navigate to the Catalogues option under Purchasing - if there are any catalogues requiring authorisation, they will be listed along with any previously authorised catalogues:

Click on the required supplier, this will then display the contents of the catalogue changes:

Details include:

  • Date the catalogue is affective from
  • New Items added to the Catalogue since the last update
  • Any Items with a price change since the last update
  • Any items where the packsize has been changed

  • Items that are no longer available from the suppier are detailed as Delisted
  • Existing items with no changes (this option has been hidden in this example to reduce the page size)
  • Allergen information - any items where there has been a change / update to the allergen information previously provided

You have the option to Approve All changes an install the new catalogue update, Decline all changes to the catalogue, or you can tick individual items and decline only the selected items. When selected a pop up box will be displayed requiring a reason for the decline:

The information provided on the Decline Notes will be presented to the Supplier, giving the reason why these have been declined.

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

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