

This page shows any catalogues which are waiting for approval plus any which you have manually approved in the past 7 days.

To download a catalogue prior to approving it, for example to compare in excel to an existing catalogue, click the DOWNLOAD button.

Alternatively simply click on the supplier's name to be taken to the next page which will show you a breakdown of the contents of the new catalogue.

Approving the catalogue

Once you have clicked on the supplier's name you will see items sorted under the following headings:

  • New Items
  • Price Change
  • Packsize Change
  • Delisted Items
  • Existing Items
  • Allergen Information

You can approve all, decline all or decline specific changes and approve the rest.

There are options available in the supplier record which can be amended per supplier. These options enable you to 

  1. choose whether declining a price change should enable you continue buying at the old price or remove the item from the catalogue
  2. hide or show existing items that are unchanged
  3. hide the option to decline an existing item which is unchanged
  4. hide the option to decline an allergen change
  5. hide the option to decline a packsize change

If you do decline a change to allergens or the packsize, the item will be removed from the catalogue and will show as delisted in any stock locations it may be in.

Does anyone get notified about the changes I have approved?

Users can be set up to receive emails advising them of catalogue changes. These are done in User Access by clicking on the user's name and then selecting from the list of alerts.

My catalogue is automatically approved but I want to manually approve it, how can I do this?

To change a catalogue from being auto approved to manually approved and vice versa, please raise a support ticket and the IndiCater team can action this for you.

Who can approve a catalogue?

Head Office users with the Catalogues permission can approve catalogues.

Once a user has this permission, they can approve all catalogues, it's not possible to set different users up to approve catalogues from different suppliers.

Multiple people can be set up to approve catalogues.

What does the Update Stock Categories button do?

This is a client option which enables you to map a supplier's stock category to your purchasing category. Using this option removes the requirement to assign a purchasing category to a stock location but it is a labour intensive option as every supplier stock category and sub category needs to be mapped correctly.

If you want to discuss this option please contact your account manager.

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