User Access Administration
version 22012016
Creating a Head Office User
Permissions Required: Head Office User - User Access: Head Office, Outlets
- Click on User Access and then select Head Office
- Click on Add and enter the details for the new user you wish to add. Select the area the user is attached to, if they are not attached to a single area, leave this as N/A. Enter their first name, surname, username, password and email address and click on Add Head Office User
- You will now be taken to the Head Office permissions screen for this user, by placing a tick in the box next to the permission, the user will have access to the relevant section
Today - access to the company intranet
Contact Directory – access to the company contact directory
Marketing – access to the company marketing library
Expenses – access to record expenses
Expenses (Super User) – access to record expenses and run reports for all staff recording expenses
Contact – permission to add contacts to the company contact directory
Documents – permission to upload documents to the company intranet
Marketing – permission to upload documents to the company marketing directory
Headlines – permission to upload headlines to the company intranet
Status – access to the HR status page
Staff Records – access to view staff records
Authorise – permission to authorise staff record changers and holiday requests
Headlines – permission to upload HR headlines to the company intranet
Training – access to the HR Training module
Vacancies – permission to upload new vacancies to the company intranet
Holiday Requests (Delete) – the ability to delete holiday requests
Staff Records (Admin) – permission to view a limited section of the staff record
Staff Records (Rules) – permission to amend staff record rules
Staff Records (Payroll) – permission to view the payroll section of a staff record
Outlets (inc all permissions) – permission to access all Outlets from Head Office
Outlet Monitoring - access to view the Outlet Monitoring Module
Set Up – access to the company set up information
User Access
Head Office – permission to create Head Office Users
Outlets – permission to create Outlet Users
Documents – permission to assign access permissions to uploaded documents
Data Export – the ability to request data exports
Transactions – the ability to search for transactions in Outlets by reference number
Audit Trail – access to view the audit reports for data exports
Client Accounts – access to assign head office costs to units
Requisitions – access to view and authorise (if allowed) requisitions
Tronc – access to the tronc module
Companies – access to view all companies in the CRM
Sectors – ability to add sectors
Types – ability to add business types
Permissions – ability to assign permissions to CRM users
Administrator – ability to enter CRM information
Enquiries – ability to view CRM enquires
Able to Delete (Enquiries) – ability to delete CRM enquiries
Requests – ability to approve supplier requests from Outlets
Complaints – ability to view supplier complaints raised from Outlets
Favourites – ability to assign suppliers to Outlets
Suppliers – ability to add and amend supplier information
Group Suppliers Plus – access to view additional supplier information
Assets – ability to view assets recorded in Outlets
Supplier Auditor – ability to tag user as an auditor (for Audit Module)
Recipe Manager
Dishes – ability to add and edit recipes
Categories – ability to add and edit dish categories
Locations – ability to add and edit recipe locations
Headlines – ability to add RM headlines to the company Intranet
Questionnaires – the ability to add questions for surveys
Surveys – the ability to build a survey
Mileage Rates
Only applicable if Expense Module is being used
Once you have allocated the relevant permissions the new user, click on Update Permission
If you have allowed access to Outlets for the Head Office user, you will also have to allocate them permissions for the Outlets as defined in the process below
Creating an Outlet User
- Click on User Access and then select Users
- Click on Add and enter the details for the new user you wish to add. Select the area the user’s Outlet is attached to, and then select the name of the Outlet they will have access to. Enter their first name, surname, username, password and email address
- You have the option to add quick links which are displayed on the user’s home page allowing them a single click access to the relevant link. Place a tick in the boxes of the quick links you wish the user to have access to and then click
You will now be taken to the Outlet permissions screen for this user, by placing a tick in the box next to the permission, the user will have access to the relevant section
Today - access to the Company Intranet
Close Period - allows a user to close and open weeks
Contacts - access to the contacts directory
Suppliers - access to the Outlet supplier directory
Clients - access to add and configure Credit Sales Clients
Budgeting - access to configure budget information
Assets - access to configure the asset list for the Outlet
Documents - access to the document library
Monitoring - Only used when the monitoring module has been set up
Expenses - access to the expenses tool if this has been set up
Income - access to record income - cash and swipe sales, internal sales and credit sales
Purchasing - access to record invoices and credit notes, local cash purchases and estimates
Banking - access to record banking information
Cash Transfers - access to log cash transfers out of an outlet
Cash Up - access to record daily cash in hand
Requisitions - access to raise requisitions
Setup - access to configure finance setup for the Outlet
External Cost Transfers - access to transfer invoice values between outlets
Show Change Delivery In - access to allow an outlet user to record change delivery in
Staff Rota - access to the staff rota
Staff Records - access to configure staff records information
Staff Records (Banking / Rates) - access to show the finance information on the staff rota
Staff Records (View Only) - restricts the users to only have the ability to view staff records
Staff Records (Personal Tab Only) - restricts the users access in the staff records to view the personal tab only
Labour Transfers - allows the user to transfer monetary labour values between outlets
Holidays - access to request holidays for staff members in the outlet
Setup - access to configure rota departments in the Outlet
Staff Pay Rate (Hour) - allows the user to per hour pay rates
Staff Pay Rate (Day) - allows the user to see per day pay rates
Staff Pay Rate (Week) - allows the user to see per week pay rates
Staff Pay Rate (Month) - allows the user to see per month pay rates
Staff Records (Transfers) - allows the user to permanently transfer staff members to another outlet permanently
Staff Records (Rules) - allows the user to configure TUPE rules for each staff member
Staff Rota (Bonus) - allows the user to add an extra payment for a staff member
Show Past Staff - allows the user to view past staff records
Stock taking
Stock takes - allows the user to record stocktakes
Stock transers - allows the user to record stock transfers
Products - allows the user to view recipe products and both nutrition and allergen information
Recipe Manager - allows the user to create new recipes for their outlet
Setup - allows the user to add and configure stock and order sheets
Archiving Users
When a user leaves, it is the responsibility of the Gatekeeper to deactivate user accounts.
- Click on User Access and then select either Head Office or Users depending on the user type
- Click on the actual name of the person you wish to deactivate
- Place a tick in the Archive box which is the last box under the Quick Links section for Outlet users and is the last entry for Head Office users
- Click on the Update button to complete this process