Multi Supplier Purchasing Report

Multi Supplier Purchasing Report


A report has been developed to show the user the total spend per supplier for a selected period. There are multiple options available when running the report which are explained below.


You are using the finance module and either manually entering estimates and invoices or are doing this via e-procurement and booking off.

Where to find this

Head office > Finance > Reports . New Reports

Step-by-Step guide

  1. Select the Multi Supplier Purchasing report from the new reports drop down
  2. This opens up a new report wizard where you can make your selections on what info you want to display


  • Area/Region - select either area or region if you want ot be able to run the report for a specific area or region
  • Areas and Regions - this will display a list depending on your previous selection. If you want to make your selection by outlet rather than area or region, you can leave these options to the defaulted option which is to show all areas.
  • Outlet Brand - this will show a list of your outlet brands giving you the option to run the report for a specific brand
  • Outlet - this defaults to tick all outlets. This currently include all training outlets and closed outlets. This will be improved in a future release to default only to the live outlets. You can select all outlets, one outlet or any combination of outlets.
  • Entry Type - select all entry types or choose from invoice, estimate or internal cost transfers. This are the same options as the existing purchasing report
  • Year - it will default yo the current year
  • Report Style - this lets you select whether you want to run the report for a week, calendar months, reporting period, year or for your own specific date range
  • Reporting Period - the dates in this drop down will change depending on your choose in the Report Style list
  • Start and End Dates - if you have selected to run the report for a specific date range, enter your dates in here
  • EDI Supplier Only - selecting this will enable you to run the report just for your EDI suppliers. This will default to no
  • Suppliers - choose whether you want to run the report for all supplier types or just for group or local suppliers
  • Group Supplier - If you have selected to be able to run the report for all suppliers or for group suppliers, this will contain a list of all of your group suppliers. You can select all of pick specific supplier. This list will only show EDI suppliers if you have selected the EDI Supplier Only option
  • Local Supplier - If you have chosen to be able to run the report for local suppliers. this will let you pick from your list of local suppliers
  • Invoice Type - You can run the report for all invoice types, for invoices,  for credit notes or for local cash purchases. If you have selected to run the report for Group suppliers, you won't have an option to run the report for local cash purchases.

Once you have made your selection, click View Report

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.