Order Breakdown
Use this page to accurately book off your supplier order to confirm what has been received and from here request a credit note if required.
On this page you will see the supplier and PO number together with a summary of what has been ordered.
Advanced Shipping Notices (ASN)
Some integrated suppliers send us an ASN on the day of delivery to confirm what is being delivered. If there are any changes to the quantity you have ordered this will be automatically amended and a reason assigned.
How do I add an item which wasn't on my order?
Click on the Add button to add a catalogue item that you have received but which wasn't on your order. If this is a substitute product you can change the quantity to zero of the item you haven't received and select the replacement using the Add button.
How do I add a discount or additional charge?
Use the Add Non Catalogue Items button which will enable you to type in a charge you want to add. This can be a negative figure if you've received a discount.
How do I put an item on Back Order?
If you have the supplier option activated to use back orders (Head Office can control this in the supplier record), you will see a tick box on the right of the order. Change the Quantity box to be the quantity you have received and tick the back order button. This will create a back order for the difference between the quantity you ordered and the quantity you have received. Eg, if you order 10 and receive 8, enter 8 in the Qty column and tick back order and your back order will be created for a Qty of 2. The order number will be the same but will now have number 1 in brackets after the original number.
Can I change the price of an item?
This is a client option. If this is activated to your company you will see a Unit Price column and you can amend the price.
Some clients activate the option to amend the total value of an order for certain suppliers.
What if I haven't received an item?
You can amend the quantity and once you click Update Order, you will get the option to create a credit note.
Change Delivery Date
You can use this option to bring forward a delivery date to any day between today and the requested delivery date. An order cannot be booked off in advance of the delivery date.
Book Off
Once you are happy that the items are showing correctly you can Book Off. This option is usually selected by default. You then need to click on Update Order. An estimate for this will be automatically created in the Purchasing area.
Book off and Convert To Invoice
Some clients have this option. If you are receiving a paper invoice from your supplier and the invoice is received at the same time as the order, you can use the Book Off and Convert to Invoice option to create the invoice (an estimate is not created) in one step. Enter the invoice reference and any VAT.
Cleaning Invoicing supplier
If your supplier has been tagged in the head office set up as a Clean Invoicing supplier you will be notified should you change the quantity of an item in the order. This means that the supplier typically sends an amended invoice rather than an invoice and a separate credit note. You are therefore less likely to want to request a credit note for these suppliers. Check any invoicing notes for more info.
Clicking on the Back to Orders button takes you back to the Orders Outstanding page