Adding Nutritional Information

Adding Nutritional Information


Nutritional Information can be added to each ingredient to provide a full nutritional breakdown for your dish.
NB: Once an ingredient has had the nutritional info added, it will then be saved against this ingredient and appear in any other dishes (include historic dishes) where this ingredient appears.


  • That you are using Nutritional Info
  • That you are using Outlet Version of Recipe Manager to be able to make changes to recipes 

Where to find this

     Click on a dish you have created an want to enter nutrition for opening the Dish Summary Page, scroll down to nutrition and see the list of ingredients 

Step-by-step guide  

      Step 1. On the Recipe Info Ingredient Page you can click on an ingredient.        

      Step 2. This opens the follow up page where you choose a nutrition database, this will be from Brakes, Bidvest or FSA nutrition.( Ensure that the Nutrition Supplier you choose is the same supplier for the product)

     For example if you get milk from Brakes use the Brakes products for nutrition.

  • The FSA Nutrition is a generic database also provided to use where you may not agree with nutrition information from supplier(Refer to your Company Policy on the use of FSA Nutrition Information)
  •  In the search box enter a brief description of the product you want to supply the nutrition data for and click on the product you want to match with.


   Step 3. When you select a product from Nutrition Provider the system will advise you that the Nutrition has been updated for that product.

    Repeat for each product in the dish so that the nutritional information is correct.

    The Nutrition information will appear on the Recipe information page per 100g.



This information will also show n your recipe PDF Cards to show in 100g (Subject to activation as a client option, refer to your Gatekeeper for activation.)

Manually matching Nutritional Information for an ingredient.

    It is also possible to enter manual nutritional information in to an ingredient via the Supplier Portal.  See separate User Guide 'Adding Manual Nutritional data to a recipe'

   Only portal gatekeepers have the ability to do this – if you want some information added that you don’t believe matches with either Brakes or Bidfood or the FSA, please speak to your Supplier Portal user (catalogue gatekeeper) or if this is something you have access to, please see the Supplier Portal User Guide.

Other Tools(Availability will be subject to your specific company policy)




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