Audit Trail

Audit Trail

What is an Audit Trail?

An audit trail allows a user to view infromation regarding transcations and allows a user to trace the data back to their source.

Our Audit Trail section of Finance allows up to seven different reports which are briefly explained below. Each report can be ran for either a year, calendar month, singular week or reporting period.


The Exports report is a really useful report to see what exports have been run when, for what period, by who and whether they were live or verifications.

Locked Not Exported:

This report is essentially descriped in its title. This will display invoices that have been ‘locked’ into place but are awaiting a live export to be run. Outlet ID, Invoice Date, Entry Type, Invoice Type and details on both the Net and VAT amount are displayed in this report.

An example can be viewed below:


Purchase Invoices:

Self-explanatory in its title, this will allow a user to view information on all purchase invoices for a specific time period. You can view outlet informaton, date, invoice type (i.e. Credit Note or Invoice), references, supplier ID’s and net and VAT amounts.

Please see below for an example of the Purchase Invoices report:


Purchase Invoices Exported:

Similar to the Purchase Invoices report, however this will only displayed those invoices that have been exported. Unless a live export hasbeen completed for the reporting period, this report will be blank.

The report produces the same information as the Purchase Invoices report which can be seen above.

Purchase Invoices Duplicates:

As described in the title, this will display any instances in which a Purchase Invoice is duplicated. This may occur when an invoice’s original estimate has been reversed. The report will display the supplier, the reference and the amount of duplications found.

Purchase Invoices Duplicates Cross Clients:

Similar to the above report, expect this will display any invoices that have duplicated across multiple clients.

The report will display the supplier, the reference and the amount of duplications found.

Income Duplications:

As displayed in the Purchase Invoices Duplicates, this report will present you with any income duplications found within the reporting period.

The report will show the outlet, data, income type, category and identifiers for any duplications.

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