Detailed Stock Transfer

Detailed Stock Transfer


This guide explains how to transfer stock items from one outlet to another.


The company has two or more outlets.

The transferring outlet has the stock they would like to transfer

Where to find this

In an outlet, click STORM - Stock Transfers

Step-by-step guide

Step 1.

Click Detailed Stocktake

The following drop down fields will become visible

Date Transferred: This will be a drop down with 7 days in the week you have selected on the transfer page

Stock Location: Where the stock items are recorded against for stocktaking.

Category : Stock Category as you have setup.

Outlet: The Outlet you are transferring the stock items  to(Receiving Outlet)

Outlet Stock Location :

Event: If you have created an event, you can assign a relevant event for the transfer i.e. Business Meeting etc. 

Notes: Enter any notes that will help identify this transfer. 

Step 2.  The Detailed Stocktake allows you to enter accurate breakdown of the stock items. 

Complete the below table with the correct case quanitity, pack size and loose items as required. 

Step 3. Click ADD ITEMS

Once you have selected 'Add Items', you will view the Stock Transfer Items at the bottom of your page. This will display product information, the amount of stock being transferred and its overall value. 

If required, select the 'X' delete button to remove any incorrect stock values. An example is shown below:

Step 4. Click Add Transfer to process the transfer at the bottom of the page to complete the Stock Transfer.

Step 5. When you have completed the first four steps, you will be able to view the detailed Stock Transfer in the 'Transfers Out' section of the Stock Transfers summary page. 

Select the transfer in question by clicking onto the box when highlighted. Upon doing so, you can make alterations to the Stock Transfer if necessary and 'Add Items' if required. Upon completed, select 'Finish'. 

Simple Stock Transfer

Receiving a Stock Transfer

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

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