Dish Details

Dish Details

This page shows the all the details you have entered for your dish.

At the top of the page you will see a summary of the allergen information. This shows you the allergens the dish does and may contain as well as whether it is unsuitable for vegans and vegetarians. 

A full allergen breakdown can be found in the Allergens section further down the page.

On the right you have the below options via the red buttons:

  • build a PDF of the dish
  • copy the dish to create a new, similar dish
  • see the quantities of ingredients needed to make a different number of portions
  • see which menus the dish has been added to
  • go to the label maker tool for this dish (if activated)

You can upload or delete images for the dish as well as upload documents.

In Recipe Items you will see all the items and quantities added to your dish. A red star denotes that the item is no longer available in the catalogue and so you may wish to switch it for something else.

The Preparation Method shows how the ingredients were prepared as indicated in the Update Dish Preparation Methods area. The Prepared Weight per Portion is calculated from the chosen preparation method. The Allergens column on the right shows if you have allergen data for each item in the dish. Dietary Preferences identifies the suitability for vegan and vegetarian and is separate data from the allergens.  The reference box gives descriptions of each icon.

Carbon Footprint (although you see an example, this requires activation) - with this seamless integration with Klimato, we can offer quick access to carbon footprint data for each dish, giving invaluable insight into your culinary practices' environmental impact, so you can make better decisions for your customer and the environment, whilst achieving sustainability success.

The Nutrition is a client option but it is required if you plan to use the Label Maker. Nutrition mapping can be automated for some of the big suppliers or you can map an item by clicking on the item name in the Nutrition table. You will only be able to map an item if it has a weight otherwise the ingredient will be in black, not red, and you won't be able to click on it. To enter a weight, click on Weight on the right. This needs to be the weight of the item in that dish.

To see the full breakdown of allergen information, click on the green plus next to the Allergens heading. You can click on May Contain and Does Contain links to see which items in the dish contain those allergens.

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