What Will I find in Locations?
Simple navigation to Recipe Manager and then select Locations.
In here you will see all main locations that you can assign recipes too and areas within that location for example: your main location may be the outlet name St Mary's and within St Mary's you can have other areas such as the cafe, restaurant, upper school, lower school.
How Do I Add a Location?
Simply select the '+ Add' button found on the right hand-side of the screen. See below for an example:
Once you have selected the Add Location button, select the Outlet name for which the Location will be assigned to. After this, simply type the name of your new location in the Type Box and select 'Add Locations'.
How Do I View the Products in a Location?
On the main Locations screen, simply navigate to your location in question and select the list icon. You will find this beside the X symbol on the right side of your screen.
Upon selection, you will see each dish assigned to your Recipe location, with the product ingredients and product information displayed.
As shown below, the dish 'Chicken Stew' has been added to our test location and upon select the list option, all product information for this dish is shown.