Supplier - How to raise a support ticket

Supplier - How to raise a support ticket



If require IndiCater support, have a query or require a new portal user to be added, raising a support ticket is the most efficient way to contact the support desk to assist.


  1. Login to the Portal > click +Support Tickets > +Add (or click on an existing ticket number to reply/update) > Fill in fields > submit


    1. EXTRA DETAILS FOR FILLING IN THE TICKET Select the client the ticket refers to from your drop down box > add a brief title of what the ticket is being raised for e.g Catalogue error / add new user > select a ticket category that is most relevant

    2. > You can CC in other emails who would need to see the ticket and replies (the cc’d users will receive automated email updates of the ticket but cannot reply unless they have access to the same portal)

    3. > text type the description of what the issue is and why the ticket is being raised

    4. >You can add attachment - “choose file” opens your documents to browse for the saved file (If a catalogue errors please attach the catalogue so we can check the formatting. Screenshots help our support team understand your query better)

    5. Click Submit > The screen will show your ticket number has successfully been processed

Please DO NOT reply to the automated notification emails as these are not monitored.

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