Do I need a different account number per outlet?

Do I need a different account number per outlet?

If you are a supplier who is receiving email orders and sending paper invoices we don’t need to have account numbers in IndiCater, it will work fine without. It does means that the account number field will be blank on the emailed PO.  It is also possible to have the same account number for multiple outlets if you want.

If you are wanting to use our EDI Lite option for entering invoices into the supplier portal, we DO need account numbers, but they DO NOT need to be different per outlet as the PO number is the identifier for where the invoice needs to be processed.

If you wanted to do EDI integration, the account numbers are vital and would need to be different per outlet. The account numbers are the unique identifier in the files shared via integration to advise the supplier who is ordering and to advise IndiCater where the invoice needs to be processed.

It is possible to do EDI integration with multiple outlets sharing the same account number if necessary but only as long as every PO is generated in IndiCater and telesales orders aren’t permitted. If an invoice is received with a telesales PO number and an account number shared across multiple outlets, the software can't determine which outlet the invoice is for. It therefore goes into the EDI Transactions dashboard to be assigned to a specific outlet by the client.

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