Purchasing Category Favourites Update Budgets
How do Purchasing Category Budgets work?
If you were to set a weekly limit (or budget) of 1000.00, the order which takes the combined weekly purchasing for that category over 1000 is the first order to require approval. All subsequent orders in that week for that category will also need approval. The following week will start again at 0.
How to set it up?
(Head Office > Outlets > Set up > Purchasing: Allocate Budgets)
On this page you can set up the required limits per purchasing category.
You can either use the tick boxes to select the required categories and then add a limit per category or you can use the section on the right hand side to apply or remove a limit across all categories.
Once you have entered your limits, make sure you click Update. This is at the bottom of the page if using the individual category tick boxes.
You don't need to enter a limit for categories that have no restrictions.
How does this work with Requisition Approval Levels?
This tool works in conjunction with the approval levels which apply to all orders rather than per category.
For example, if you set a L1 limit in the Requisition Approval Levels of 2000.00, users can place an order for any category up to the value of 2000.00 without it needing to be approved.
If you have a Category Budget of 500.00 for equipment, orders for equipment which exceed 500.00 will need to be approved whereas order for all other categories will only require approval if they are over 2000.00.