Terms and Conditions
This page enables you to set up terms and conditions for different modules.
Credit Sales
In this section you can add and create multiple different credit sales terms and conditions.
Select the outlet and click Continue. You are asked to pick an outlet as you maybe be creating your terms for one specific outlet, but you can choose to apply the record for all outlets a bit later on.
To create a new record, click ADD.
Select the module you are adding a record for and then enter your text, using the formatting options as required.
Please note that for credit sales terms and conditions, you may want to add your payment details otherwise they won't appear on your invoice.
You have the option to save this record just for your chosen outlet or for all outlets.
You can add multiple different terms which the user can pick from when creating their credit sale.
To select another record for the same outlet click Add again. Alternatively click on Back to Outlets on the right to return to the main Terms and Conditions page.
Hospitality Ordering
You have the option to create one set of terms and conditions for orders for delivery and a different set for collection orders.
Select the outlet and click Continue. You are asked to pick an outlet as you maybe be creating your terms for one specific outlet, but you can choose to apply the record for all outlets a bit later on.
To create a new record, click ADD.
Select the module you are adding a record for and then enter your text, using the formatting options as required.
You have the option to save this record just for your chosen outlet or for all outlets.
Users will be asked to confirm they have read the terms and conditions before completing their order.