Creating and Updating Recipes


Recipe Manager authorised users can create and edit recipes from within an Outlet. You have to be licenced to Outlet version of Recipe Manager

(Consult your Gatekeeper for which version you are using)



You are using the Outlet version of Recipe Manager

Categories have been setup

Where to find this and step- by -step guide

1 . Building a recipe

  • Click Recipe Manager , Click Dishes
  • Click +add
  • Select Category from dropdown list
  • Enter Dish Name (enter the reference for the dish if you have one)
  • Enter portions 

  • Add a Selling Price (this can be adjusted if required once the recipe is completed) and select whether this is the gross or net price.



  • Click ADD DISH

    You will now be taken to the main configuration page for the dish

2. Adding Ingredients

  • Click on BUILD RECIPE

You will be presented with a set of dropdown options to locate the products that you wish to add to your recipe:

  • The combo dishes drop down will allow you to add a previously created combo dish (batch recipe) see ‘Using Combo Ingredients’ in this user guide.
  • The favourite items drop down will allow you to select favourites that have been created (or frequently used products).
    To add a favourite see ‘adding a favourite’ above in this guide
  • To search for the ingredient that you wish to add to your recipe dish you can either type a search word into the ‘Find Product’ box and click on ‘Find’, or to restrict your search results (this would be recommended), first select the supplier that you are searching from the Supplier drop down, and then type the product in to the Find Product box. This will allow you to view all products from one supplier and search for the specific product you wish to add (see below).

  • Select the right product that you require and then click on ‘Add’ to add this product to your dish. You will see this item appear in the list above.

  • Once you have selected all the ingredients you require click on CONTINUE  at the top right of the screen to select your ingredients quantities.

3. Configuring recipe items

This next screen allows you to define the exact quantities of each ingredient for this recipe. The unit of measure drop down will default to the unit of measure recorded for this product in the supplier catalogue and if required this can be changed to a more suitable unit. Once these have been factored in the pack size will alter and split in quantity to match the UOM entered.


  • Using the drop down options, you can amend the unit of measure to a similar unit i.e. weighted measures (g, lb etc), liquid measures (fl.oz, tsp, ml etc) or individual units of measures (each, box, punnet, slice etc) will all be grouped together
  • However, if you need to change from one unit of measure type to another e.g. from G to ML then you must use the Use Alternative Packsizes option to the top left of the screen.

          This will allow you to amend the size of packs to a different unit of measure.

  •     For example if the catalogue states that the chillis you use are supplied by the gram however you want to add them to a recipe as an individual chilli, and you know there are approx. 4 chilli’s in a pack) you can amend the   pack size by changing new items per pack to 4 and changing the unit of measure from G to Each and then clicking on update.
  • This will take you back to the define quantities and you will now be able to enter the quantity for this ingredient as required – i.e. 1 chilli for this recipe instead of using the G unit of measure.



    Once complete you will be taken to the main dish configuration page.


4. Recipe Configuration

When you have completed your recipe quantities you will be taken back to the main dish /recipe configuration page.


4.1 Adding Recipe Images

  • You can add up to four pictures to a recipe on the configuration of the page by clicking
    click to upload image, this will open a Upload Images dialogue and you can use the images for the recipe dish you have saved on your computer.

          Once you select the picture click  UPLOAD. The images for the recipe dish should appear in the configuration page.


  • The recommended format is that the main large picture to be the completed recipe dish.

5.1 Update Dish Information

       You can update recipe dish details you have entered for :

      Dish Name, Reference, Category, Sales Price, Portions, Par Stock and Wastage.


      Once you have updated this information scroll to the bottom of the page and click UPDATE DISH

 5.2 Preparation and Method

       You can enter notes on Preparation, Cooking Method, Notes, Quality Checks, Critical Control Points for the recipe dish.

       Enter the relevant information for each of the areas you require to add notes and click UPDATE DISH

       You can prepare Templates for these fields in Recipe Manager Setup. ( See related guide on Recipe Manager Setup ).



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