Book off your order on this page
How do I add an item which wasn't on my order?
Click on the Add button to add a catalogue item that you have received but which wasn't on your order. If this is a substitute product you can change the quantity to zero of the item you haven't received and select the replacement using the Add button.
How do I add a discount or additional charge?
Use the Add Non Catalogue Items button which will enable you to type in a charge you want to add. This can be a negative figure if you've received a discount.
How do I put an item on back order?
if you have the supplier option activated to use back orders, you will see a tick box on the right of the order. Change the Quantity box to be the quantity you have received and tick the back order button. This will create a back order for the difference between the quantity you ordered and the quantity you have received. Eg, if you order 10 and receive 8, enter 8 in the Qty column and tick back order and your back order will be created for a Qty of 2.
Can I change the price of an item?
This is a client option. If this is activated to your company you will see a Unit Price column and you can amend the price.
Some clients activate the option to amend the total value of an order for certain suppliers.
What if I haven't received an item?
You can amend the quantity and once you click Update Order, you will get the option to create a credit note.