This is a guide that explains the process, of how to switch a product in recipes
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Where to find this
Head Office > Recipe Manager > Products
Step-by-Step guide
Navigate to the Products section under Recipe Manager, search the product you are replacing - use either product code, or a full / part description:
Click on the 'Switch' for the rellevant item, the following screen is displayed:
Now, search for the product you are switching to - Select by supplier or Product:
Or key in a short descrioption and select Find - you can select the required item from the list displayed:
the qunaitities and UoM from the current recipe will be transferred - Amend any quantities, UoM and when you are done tick the Update column - or tick 'Select All' then click on Swithc Item
All recipes will have now been updated with the new switched item - you can check by finding products with the new item code, this will then display all recipes using that item code:
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Filter by label
There are no items with the selected labels at this time.