We have made some changes to the Stock Transfers page to improve the speed of the page.
The different transfer types have previously all been on the same page and clients creating a lot of transfers have experienced a delay in the loading of the data.
Users had to scroll down to the bottom of the page to see the transfer requests and all clients had Event Transfers listed at the top even though it isn’t used by many clients.
The enhanced version has the different transfer types separated out.
The Event Transfers section has been removed. Any clients using events will see the Event Name in the Event column (see 4th column below)
2. There is a new button (circled in green below) to access Stock Transfer Requests. These are no longer at the bottom of the Stock Transfers page.
Once users have clicked to go to the Stock Transfer Requests page, they will continue as usual but the loading of the page is now a lot quicker.