In Menu Buider you can create your menus using the dishes already created in Recipe Manager.
Start by adding Menu Categories, i.e Lunch or Dinner. Click on Manage Menu Categories, type in the category name, then click on Add. Now add a menu sub-category that applies to that category by clicking on Manage Sub Categories, then click on Add Menu Sub Category.
On the Add Menu Sub Category page, complete the following fields:
Menu Sub Category Name: add the name of your sub category
Order Advance Days: enter the advance days notice required for this menu
Cut off time: enter the latest time
Priority: this is order in which the sub category will be listed in it's associated category
Menu Category: choose the category to assign the sub category to
Reporting Kitchen: this is where the cost codes are assigned to for reporting purposes
Start Time: time when the menu is available from (on the days it's available)
End Time: time when the menu is available to (on the days it's available)
Availability: you can specify by ticking the radio button if it's available everyday, Monday to Friday or weekends only.
CRM only
Activation Date: add a start date
Deactivation Date: add an end date