When a Monitoring Check is Setup it will be communicated with Outlets so that they complete them.
Where to find this
Step-by-step guide
Step 1. Click 'Click Monitoring Items'Monitoring Items'
See there is a field on the right called Monitoring Type. This is configured by IndiCater. Please let IndiCater support know what you want in this drop down, for example Head office audits, outlet audits etc. You can then create a different list of monitoring checks for each monitoring type.
Select the Monitoring Type.
Click 'Add Section', select the Type the name you want the Main subject to be, for example Health and Safety
There is no upper limit to how many Sections you may create, how may Sub Sections or how many Items in a Sub Section.
NOTE: There is a Automatic Fail tick box when you add items, this is a useful tool when you have important issues you want to use to determine the outcome of entire report,
For example below, there is an item that is a precondition that is important, marking it as Automatic fail is a good way of highlighting the importance of the condition. If this condition is then not met the entire audit is a fail.
You may also tag all the audit items as Automatic Fail if all the items are critical, for example in a Health and Safety Check you may want all conditions to be recognised as fail points if not met.
Step 2. Schedule your Monitoring Checks as follows:
Click 'Schedule Monitoring Checks', Add Monitoring Check Screen will open.
Enter the required field as summarised below:
Outlet: Select from dropdown the Outlet
Monitor Status: Self Assessment as this is usually an internal audit.
Monitoring Type: This field can be populated by the type of check you are doing, the field in drop menu can be populated to have a list of audits to be performred
For example, Daily Finance, Weekly Finance, Health and Safety and all other areas to check.
Step 3. This will schedule your check and keep it in a list for review status, completed checks will have the date completed and the due checks will be highlighted in red and will have the the prompt 'Processing Checks' in red text.