Click on Internal Sales
Ensure you are in the correct date
Click Add
Populate the Reference field with the description of the hospitality
If using Favourites, select an item from the drop down list. This will auto populate the Description and Unit Price fields
Enter a description if not using Favourites
Select the Department and Income category that you are recording the sale against
Use the Internal Department drop down or Notes to record Internal Department information if using (not complusory)
Use the Cost Centre drop down or Notes to record cost centre information if using (not complusory)
Enter the unit price of the item (if not pre-populated) and the total quantity sold into the Unit Price and Quantity box, the system will calculate the total or select the
‘Use Total’ button to enter a Total and a quantity with there being no calculation.
Enter the name of the person who requested the hospitality into the Booked By field if using this field
Click Save