This is where you can add a detailed stocktake, ie a stocktake for items in your stock locations.
Firstly, select the correct stocktake date, department and relevant stock location.
Once loaded, you will be presente with the stock location selected. You can then either manually select the amount of cases, packs or individual products necessary. You can select each box or use the tab function on your keyboard to navigate between each option.
'Toggle Items' allows you to either view the default items in the location, i.e. Items previously ordered or view every item present in said location. Alongside this, you can simply add more products to the existing location by selecting '+ New Product'.
On the right-hand side of the screen, you will see Toggle View. This will give you the choice between displaying each item in a table like setting, or by focusing on one singular product at a time.
Once the stock has been recorded, scroll to the bottom of the page and select 'SubIntroduction
This guide explains the process of recording a detailed stocktake in IndiCater.
Where to find this
Both Simple & Detailed Stocktakes are entered in the outlet.
Navigate to StORM > Stocktakes
Outlet users will need to have the Stocktaking permission enabled to successfully perform a detailed stocktake.
Step-by-step guide
Select the specific date and week for this stocktake. This will default to the current week but can be altered.
Select the + Add Detailed Stocktake button, you may be prompted to book off any outstanding orders. You can proceed with the stocktake without booking off any outstanding orders, however do recommend doing so to receive the most accurate data.
Select the day for the which the stocktake is being recorded. This can be any day in the Week selected in step 1.
Select the department if required. Alternatively, you can select just the stock location for which the stocktake is for.
The items that initially are loaded via the stock location, will be those with a tick in the P column. P stands for previous and shows that the item has been successfully recorded in a previous stocktake.
To view all items in the stock location, select the ‘Toggle Items' button.
When ready, enter the appropriate values in the cases, packs or individual columns.
You can enter more than value in each column. For example, 4 cases and 2 individual items.
As you enter the values, the stock value column will auto-update to accurately reflect the stock value.
When complete, scroll to the bottom of the page and select the ‘Submit'
How to Amend a Previous Stocktake
If you need to amend your stocktake after completion, scroll down and select the stocktake in question. As long as the week is still open for stocktaking, you can then amend the quantities and click ‘Submit’ to record the necessary changes.
How do I add a new product to the Stocktake?
You can add a new product to the stocktake via the + New Product button.
You will then be presented with all possible products that can be added to the specific stock location in question. You can search by either product name or a specific product code.
Once you have selected the product in question, simply select ‘Select’