Invoices and Credits

Invoices and Credits

GS1 v 3.2 IndiCater requirements – Invoice file

This document is for reference for those who have a good understanding of the GS1 standard. This lists any specific formatting requirements we have, including some examples.

Not all fields are mentioned, only those where the requirement might need defining.

Standard Business Document Header

Sender GS1: this is to be your GLN number

Receiver GS1: this is to be the GLN we provide you with

Standard: GS1

Type Version: 3.2

Instance Identifier: This is your reference for the file and is not used by IndiCater

Type: Invoice - please note that this is case sensitive and needs to be written with a capital I and the rest lower case

Creation Date and Time: the GS1 standard date format is to be used which can be include milliseconds and different time zones if required so the below are all acceptable








Creation Date and Time: as above

Document Status Code: ORIGINAL - please note this is case sensitive and needs to be in capitals

Invoice Identification: should always be xsi:type = “shared_common:EntityIdentificationType”

Entity Identification: this is your invoice reference

Content Owner: to be either ecom_common:PartyReferenceType or shared_common:EntityIdentificationType

GLN: your GLN number

Invoice Type: INVOICE or CREDIT_NOTE - please note this is case sensitive and needs to be in capitals

Invoice Currency Code: GBP

Buyer xsi:type: ecom_common:TransactionalPartyType

GLN: IndiCater’s GLN


Additional Party Identification Type Code: SELLER_ASSIGNED_IDENTIFIER_FOR_A_PARTY”>your supplier account number<

Seller xsi:type: ecom_common:TransactionalPartyType

GLN: your supplier GLN


Invoice Totals

Total Invoice Amount currency Code: ="GBP">net total for the invoice

Total Invoice Amount Payable currency Code: ="GBP">gross total for the invoice

Total Line Amount Exclusive Allowances Charges currency Code: ="GBP">net total for the invoice

Total Line Amount Inclusive Allowances Charges currency Code: ="GBP">gross total for the invoice

Total VAT Amount currency Code: ="GBP">total VAT amount for the invoice

Total Amount Invoice Allowances Charges Total: This is not used so can be 0 or excluded

An example of how this might look is:

<totalInvoiceAmount currencyCode="GBP">145.50</totalInvoiceAmount>

<totalInvoiceAmountPayable currencyCode="GBP">152.40</totalInvoiceAmountPayable>

<totalLineAmountExclusiveAllowancesCharges currencyCode="GBP">145.50</ totalLineAmountExclusiveAllowancesCharges>

<totalLineAmountInclusiveAllowancesCharges currencyCode ="GBP">152.40</ totalLineAmountInclusiveAllowancesCharges>

<totalVATAmount currencyCode="GBP">6.90</totalVATAmount>


Tax Subtotal

There needs to be a tax Subtotal section for each different tax rate included in the invoice. The tax Subtotals section should sit inside the Invoice Totals section.

Here is an example of how this section should be completed:


<dutyFeeTaxAmount currencyCode="GBP">0.00</dutyFeeTaxAmount> where 0 = the VAT amount

<dutyFeeTaxBasisAmount currencyCode="GBP">111.00</dutyFeeTaxBasisAmount> where 111.00 = net amount






<taxSubtotal><dutyFeeTaxAmount currencyCode="GBP">6.90</dutyFeeTaxAmount> where 6.90 = VAT amount

<dutyFeeTaxBasisAmount currencyCode="GBP">34.50</dutyFeeTaxBasisAmount> where 34.50 = net amount






Duty Fee Tax Category  Code: S or Z are the main ones used although this is less important for us as we rely on the percentage rather than the category code

Duty Fee Tax Percentage: Typically 0 or 20. Decimal places can be included but not essential

Duty Fee Tax Type Code: to be VALUE_ADDED_TAX

Purchase Order

Entity Identification: This should be the purchase order. This needs to be unique for each invoice. If the purchase order number is not an IndiCater generated number, we will still accept and process the invoice using the entity Identification as the purchase order number. If the invoice is for a purchase order that has been created and sent through IndiCater, the IndiCater purchase order number should be used

Invoice Line Item

Line Item Number: This is the line item but is not used by IndiCater

Invoiced Quantity: This is the quantity of the line item being invoiced

Amount Inclusive Allowances Charges: This is the total net value for the line (unit price x qty)

Item Price Inclusive Allowances Charges: This is the unit price for this line item

Trade Item Description: your product description for the line item

Product Variant Identifier: your product code for the line item

Size: can be added but not used by IndiCater


Invoice Line Tax Information

As an example of how this should be completed:

<dutyFeeTaxAmount currencyCode="GBP">6.90</dutyFeeTaxAmount> The total vat amount for the line item

<dutyFeeTaxBasisAmount currencyCode="GBP">34.50</dutyFeeTaxBasisAmount> The total net for the line item




Invoice Line Item Information After Taxes

An example of how this should be completed:

<amountExclusiveAllowancesCharges currencyCode="GBP">34.50</amountExclusiveAllowancesCharges> where 34.50 is the total net amount for the line item

<amountInclusiveAllowancesCharges currencyCode="GBP">41.40</amountInclusiveAllowancesCharges> where 41.40 is the total gross amount for the line item

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