Staff Records
What is Staff Records?
Staff Records display information on employee’s. Information detailing Employment, Training and Personal data can be held on file in our Employment area of IndiCater.
How Do I Add A Staff Record?
New Staff Records can be added via the outlet in question. You can create a new record by selecting Employment - Staff Records and then clicking ‘+ Add’.
You can then add the relevant details to the record, with an example shown below:
Upon completion of the fields above, select ‘Add Staff Member’. This will then take you to the individual staff members homepage.
As displayed below, you can enter further details with regards to a number of different employee categories. Each category is explained in further detail below.
Personal - Add as much personal detail as possible. The Date of Birth, Address and Postcode fields are mandatory
Employment - Add their employment contract type, contracted hours, pay rates etc. This information is pulled through to the Staff Rota area.
Training - Training modules and programmes can be added here. The training programmes area is populated when an employee is invited to attend a training programme by head office.
Notes - Add any notes relating to that person
Transfers - You can transfer that member of staff to another outlet
History - Any amendments made to the staff record are recorded here
Profile - Staff members Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn profile names can be added here.
How Can I Update Employee Details?
Using the Staff Records page in Head Office, you can select the new staff record by navigating to their relevant surname. In the example below, we click ‘G' and can view our new record for our employee 'User Guide’.
To update the employee record, simply select the name highlighted in blue and make any necessary changes. Once the changes have been made, scroll to the bottom of the page and select ‘Save Changes’ to ensure they are saved.