Recording general wastage by weight in IndiCater - Set Up


This guide explains how you can use IndiCater to record the weight of general wastage.

This will involve creating a ‘supplier’ and adding wastage as an item to a catalogue


Set up the supplier

In Purchasing go to Suppliers.

Create a new supplier, for example called Wastage, as you would normally. Add your own email address and tick the box ‘Prevent Manual Invoice Entry’ to stop users selecting this supplier when adding manual invoices.

In the Delivery days set up within the supplier record, tick Yes under the Favourites column for those outlets who need access to the new Wastage supplier.

No other info is required.


Set up the catalogue

Raise a support ticket and ask for the new Wastage supplier to be set up in the portal and give the name of the new supplier you have created and the email address of the person who will manage the catalogue. Please specify that the catalogue should be set up as auto approved (this prevents you from needing to manually approve it).

IndiCater will create a record in the portal and provide you with log in details

Log into the portal ( with the log in details provided

Download the catalogue and enter a product, for example:


You can enter multiple products if you want to give options and you can enter an average cost or enter 0.

Save and upload the catalogue.


Setting up permissions

Users will need to have access to Wastage. This is an outlet permission within the StORM module.

You can either update the permissions in the relevant Roles or amend an individual’s permissions as required.


Setting up stock locations

For users to be able to record Item Wastage, which is what we call wastage of items upload via a catalogue, they will need to have a Stock Location with the wastage items in it.

In an outlet that will be counting this wastage, go to StORM, Setup. Select a department for the wastage to belong to and then Click Continue.

On the next page use the +New Location button on the right and create a new Stock Location, giving it a suitable name.

Pick the most relevant purchasing category (these are your categories that match the nominals in your accounting application) and tick the For Stocktaking box. The click Save Location on the right.

Now it’s created, click on Items next to your new location


Here you can either search by supplier on the left or type in the name of your wastage product on the right. Click on the + to add the item to your stock location.

You can either do this in all outlets or assign it to the outlet users as a task, or now you have it set up in one outlet you can copy it to the other outlets who need it.

To do this, click on Back in the top right corner if you still have the above view, or go to StORM, Setup and select the department in the outlet you have set up your wastage stock location in.

Click on the Copy option on the right.

You can tick the departments in other outlets to add the same stock location to. The outlets will need to have the new Wastage supplier as a favourite.


Recording wastage

Outlet users are now able to record their wastage.

See the guide