Creating a Back Order (Converting to Invoice)


This is a guide that explains the process of how to create a back order


Supplier tagged with Back order option, PO raised, delivery part received and remaining items to be delivered later.

Where to find this

StORM > Requisitions > Orders Outstanding

Step-by-Step guide

Navigate to the Requisition Dashboard, and click on the Outstanding Orders option:

Select the required Order from the listing - click on either the delivery date or Ref:

Check the items against the delivery:

For any items missing from the delivery and to be delivered at a later date, these items need to be placed on a back order.  Change the quantity to match the delivered quantity, and select a reason - 'Not Delivered', then tick the Back Order option:

Select Book off or Book off and convert to invoice:

If book off and convert to Invoice, enter the invoice reference, then select Update Order:

An estimate will be created for the booked in items, and the items placed on back order items will be added to a new Purchase Order using the same PO ref with a (1) after it:

This can then be booked off when the goods arrive at a later date:

Frequently Asked Questions

What happens with the back order?

The item/s that were added to back order have been put into requisitions with (1) beside and will   be in outstanding orders, waiting to be booked off when item/s received

Can I cancel a back order?

If you receive the outstanding order as zero, it will be have no impact financially

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.