Version update 15th August

Version update 15th August

Below is a summary of the key functionality changes in the latest version update which are being released tomorrow evening, 15th August. 

As with all updates, all clients get the updated code, but enhancements are often developed with an on/off option and so might not always be visible.


NEW!! Head Office EDI Invoice Approval page 

We are really excited to let you know that we have created a new page to enable head office users to approve EDI invoices from a central page, removing the need to log in to different outlets.

The new page can be accessed from Head Office > Finance > Transactions and then using the new EDI Approvals button in the top right hand corner.

Users can show all outlets or filter by outlet and the approval process behaves in exactly the same way as it does in the outlet.


New reports

The below reports have been added to the new reporting module:

External Cost Transfers

More new reports coming soon……

Updates to existing reports

The new PO to Invoice report (which replaces the old Order to Invoice Verification report) has had 2 new columns added to show the EDI disputes and the dispute reason

The Wastage report has a new tab to show wastage by purchasing category.

The Purchasing report has been amended to default to show transactions based on the date entered. To see the data based on the invoice date, untick the 'Show transactions dates and history' option. 
The invoice date will now show the date the invoice is entered plus the later invoice date and an identifier to make it clear it's a late invoice date:

Handy Hint!

Use the Templates tool in the Set Up page in Head Office Recipe Manager.
Create your own multiple templates for each of the notes sections in the recipe and then easily add them when creating a recipe, meaning you don't have to type the same notes in again and again!




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