Creating an Event Menu

Creating an Event Menu


This guide shows how to create an Event Menu


That you use Events (Refer to Gatekeeper for use of Events as client option)

Where to find this

Click Stocktaking > Recipe Manager > Menu Creator

Step-by-Step guide

Step 1. Click +add

Step 2.Fill in the following details to add a menu

2.1 Event: Use the dropdown menu to select an event. Multiple Menus can be created for one event.

2.2 Menu Name: i.e. Janets Buffet Lunch, James and Jenny Wedding Breakfast.

2.3 Reference: You can use this field to enter a reference.

2.4 Department: Which department this event is assigned to.

2.5  Production Area: If you have a site with Multiple Production Areas the Menu can be assigned to one of these areas.

NB You will to supply these areas to Indicater who will populate them in you system for you.

2.6 Menu Time: What time this menu is expected to be served.

2.7  Number of Places: Enter a number of places.

2.8  Price: Price per head.

2.9 Description: This is a free text field to be used if needed.

Click SAVE

Step 3. The menu can be seen in Menus dashboard

Step 4. Adding Dishes to the Schedule

Click on the Menu you have created > Schedule

 Step 5. Schedule opens a new page > Click +add

5.1 Schedule opens a new page > Click +add

5.2 From the Menu Category Drop Down you should select the Menu Category that these dishes will be placed in.

In the Recipe Category, choose where these dishes are found in the Recipe Manager Categories

5.3 You can now click on a dish in the left hand window and click ADD in the middle to move it over to the right window. You can hold down the CTRL key to select multiple dishes at the same time before clicking ADD, once you have all your menu Recipes in the right hand box click SAVE

Step 6. Entering in Portions needed

When in the Schedule Page you can enter how many portions of each dish will be produced

Enter the number of Portions that will be produced in each dish

Click SAVE

Step 7.Viewing Production and Creating a Requisition

To view how much of each ingredient will be needed click on the PRODUCTION link at the top.

The system will list each ingredient that is needed to produce the dishes that you have define production numbers for.

The following information will be show:

a.       Product Code

b.       Supplier

c.       Stock Item (Name)

d.       Stock Location

e.       Pack Size

f.        Cost

g.       Quantity Needed

h.       Packs Needed

i.         Order Quantity

If the Stock Location is showing as “None Available”, it means that this product has not been entered into a stock location with the outlet.)

To make it available you will need to update your Stock Location within the Set Up page.

7.2 You can now enter in the to Order field how many of each product you would like to order to produce this menu.

Click Create Requisition

8. You will now see the Review Requisitions page

Confirm the requisition as normal.


Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.