version 12062018

Supplier records are essential for any group supplier uploading a catalogue as well as any group supplier whose invoices are to be added in the finance module, either manually or via e-procurement.

A supplier record is required for each catalogue. If you have 2 different catalogues from the same supplier, you will require for 2 different supplier records


Supplier records are added and amended in Head Office - Purchasing - Suppliers

Supplier record

When creating a new supplier, you will be asked to complete a minimum amount of data to begin with. Once saved, you will have access to a lot more fields. Scroll down to see guidance about completing those fields.

1. Complete the following:

Company Name * – the supplier name. If you have multiple supplier records for the same supplier the Company Name should identify the catalogue it relates to, eg Zenith Gross

Supplier Code – this is any code assigned to the supplier in your accounting application. This can be the same across multiple supplier records. This is the code most frequently used in a client's purchase invoice export.

Account Number – this is your account number

Product/Service – this can be used to add a description of the products supplied, eg Food

Default Purchasing Category * - select the category most used for this supplier. This will be the category used when you add an item to an order when booking off and if you receive EDI invoices for telesales orders. 

Primary Contact

Email -  this is the email address that emailed supplier orders will be sent to as well as an credit note requests generated when booking off an order. You can have multiple emails listed.

If using Depots, the emails will go to the depot email addresses instead. 

Contact details – to be completed as required however having a phone number enables IndiCater to contact the supplier if we have queries so please include this as a minimum

2. Click Add Supplier

3. You will see a pop up box asking if you would like to assign the supplier to your outlets

4. Click No to do this later

5. You will now see the full supplier record which you can fill in as you wish

Additional fields available once a supplier record has been created:

EDI suppliers


7. Once complete, click Update Supplier at the bottom of the page

8. Click the Delivery Set up button in the right hand corner. This is where you enter delivery data as well as selecting the outlets that have access to the supplier

Delivery Setup