Some suppliers have access to upload a csv of invoices into the Portal under the Upload Invoice File tab.
Select the DOWNLOAD INVOICE FILE button to download the CSV template. When you've populated it, select your client, Choose your File and select the SUBMIT INVOICE FILE button:
This is not commonly used functionality and is not available as standard.
Please be advised that we do not validate in the upload as it is YOUR data. If you therefore enter an invoice with a unit price of 10, a qty of 8 and a total of 70 instead of 80, this will be accepted
Please note: if using the csv upload, it is imperative that the data is sorted by Purchase order number and then by invoice reference. Only one invoice can be uploaded per order number so if you need to enter multiple invoices against an order you will need to make the subsequent PO numbers unique. For example if you have 3 invoices for PO IND12345, please enter the 1st one against IND12345, the 2nd against IND12345-1 and the 3rd against IND12345-2