You can then amend the delivery days available, set up a different order cut off time for each day and also set a different number of advance days for each day.
(Head Office > Purchasing > suppliers > click on supplier name > delivery set up > click on Outlet name > custom cutoffs page).
How do I set it up?
You fill in the information based on the delivery day.
Example: if Monday deliveries need to be placed by 2pm on Friday at the latest, you tick the Available box for Monday to confirm deliveries can be received on Mondays, set the cut off time for 2pm and set the advance number of days as 3. The final column will show you that orders must be placed by 2pm on Friday.
If Tuesday deliveries need to be placed by 3pm on Monday at the latest, tick the Available box, set the cut off time as 3pm and set the advance days to 1.