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How do I record a Detailed Stocktake?

Click Add Detailed Stocktake.

Select the department, stock location and the correct date Stocktake Date (it will default to today), choose the relevant Departmen and Stock Location.

The list of your products in the chosen location will now be displayed. The ticks in the column P indicate that a stocktake has been recorded against this item previously. Click on the Toggle Items button to display all items.


If you need to ADD A NEW PRODUCT whilst recording your stocktake, click +New Product. You can search for an item, tick it on the left and then click Add. It's now in your list ready for you to record stock.

If the item in the Stock Item column has a bin icon next to it's name that means the item has been delisted.  If you hover over this icon a pop up message will appear saying Delisted Stock Item.  Once a zero stocktake has been recorded against this item it can be removed from the stock location.

You can click on the column headings to sort. You can also adjust the column widths.
