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  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

This is where you can add a detailed stocktake, ie a stocktake for items in your stock locations.

Firstly, select the correct stocktake date, department and relevant stock location. 

Once loaded, you will be present with the stock location selected. You can then either manually select the amount of cases, packs or individual products necessary. You can select each box or use the tab function on your keyboard to navigate between each option. 

'Toggle Items' allows you to either view the default items in the location, i.e. Items previously ordered or view every item present in said location. Alongside this, you can simply add more products to the existing location by selecting '+ New Product'. 

On the right-hand side of the screen, you will see Toggle View. This will give you the choice between displaying each item in a table like setting, or by focusing on one singular product at a time. 

Once the stock has been recorded, scroll to the bottom of the page and select 'Submit'. How do I record a Detailed Stocktake?

click Add Detailed Stocktake.

In the box that opens, select the department, stock location and the correct date (it will default to today).

The list of your products in the chosen location will now be displayed. The ticks in the column P indicate that a stocktake has been recorded against this item previously. Click on the Toggle Items button to display all items.

You can search for an item using the Search box, simply type for the word for the item you are looking for, it will be displayed.

Use the Case, Pack/Sleeve and Ind (Individual) columns to enter the correct quantities. You can do a mix so can enter 1 case plus 5 individual if you want. You can also record decimal places.  You can move across these cells using the tab and/or arrow keys, or by using the mouse to click around.

The Stock Value column on the right will calculate the line value as you enter the quantities.

If you need to ADD A NEW PRODUCT whilst recording your stocktake, click +New Product. You can search for an item, tick it on the left and then click Add. It's now in your list ready for you to record stock.

You can click on the column headings to sort. You can also adjust the column widths.

Once finished, click Submit.